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You become a master of charades.
Who needs a dictionary, when you can mime everything?
But not all gestures have the same meaning in all the cultures.
I don’t know what are you trying to say, but what you are doing is not polite AT ALL!
All those Latin lessons weren’t a waste of time, after all.
No, never heard of this word in English before, but I’m quite certain it may come from a Latin word of the second declension. Thanks Cicero (never thought I would have said that)!
Looks like that accurate word you learned is not so accurate.
I checked on the dictionary, that’s a real word! Oh, whatever, I can mime it.
Salted is an opinion, as it is sweet
You always knew that taste depends from person to person, but you never suspected it was something cultural as well. At least not so much!
And just let alone History
Seriously, is that what they teach you at school?
You know some anecdotes on other countries that are obscure to people of those countries. And vice versa.
How can you know that? I didn’t know and I lived in my country for more than 20 years!
There’s always someone who eats along with you, but it might be not the same supper.
Oh thanks, my breakfast is great, what about your lunch?
There are things which are funny for everyone, but something is just not.
Ahahah, don’t you get it? C’mon, that’s hilarious! Ahahaha, ok, never mind.
No matter how much geography you know, that’s never enough.
Oh, your home town is close to the second highest mountain in Eastern Europe. Of course I know where it is! – looking around for an exit –