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How many times have you thought about going abroad to study? Why haven’t you done it yet? Maybe because you didn’t feel ready or you were afraid…here are five reasons that you are ready to study abroad: if you read your description in the following points, don’t hesitate anymore and leave for an amazing experience abroad!
EVERY passion is from that Country
It doesn’t matter if all your Italian friends are watching the football match…you only follow the real American baseball because you love this sport and, especially, this Country. Don’t worry, it’s normal! If you really love a place, you start to be obsessed with some of its cultural aspects, like food, sport, music, movies or tv series for example.
Your dream destination has no secrets for you
Are you planning to study in Paris? I’m sure you have already studied all the city’s maps so that even a Parisian would be shocked by your ability in reminding and knowing every part of the “Ville Lumière”. You are ready to study abroad if your dream destination has no more secrets to you and you perfectly know every single area of the city: furthermore, I bet you already have a very long list of places to visit that you don’t want to miss!
Well motivated and flexible
You can really consider yourself ready for an experience abroad if you are willing to change and adapt yourself to each situation that could happen to you. Going abroad on your own is an amazing adventure but, like every adventure, it has some obstacles to get over…you will surely have no problems if you are well motivated and flexible to change and difficulty.
Everyone knows your plans
It’s really funny when you are with your friends and someone starts to talk about your favourite city: suddenly everyone starts to look at you because they know you get excited just by hearing the name of your destination and they are ready to listen to you talking about it for the next hours 😉
You are intrigued by the world and its cultures
Studying abroad is not just about learning the language in a school as if you were in your hometown: it is also about learning a different culture and meeting people from all over the world. You are ready to study abroad if you also (and mainly) appreciate this aspect of your future experience: people intrigued by the world and it’s cultures are the ones who can consider themselves ready to study abroad!
Do you recognise yourself in these descriptions? So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start your new and unforgettable study experience abroad!
Greta Gontero