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Here are five reasons to learn a new language abroad, thanks to which it will be clear that is surely better than to study it in your homeland.
You speak a lot!
When you study abroad, you are among foreign people who always speak their language and this is very, very useful for your learning: studying with speakers of the mother-tongue is better than with countrymen. The difficulties of being in contact with another language 24/7 will soon become advantages: never forget that difficulties push us to get better. Furthermore, putting into practise what you had studied is really satisfying and you feel accomplished.
Schools don’t teach everything
An important point you have to remember is that schools usually offer an education mainly based on grammar and general vocabulary, but they don’t give us the opportunity to learn foreign country’s typical expressions. Everyone, who has travelled at least once, has discovered some new terms or ways of speaking he has never studied before: it’s usual to find slangs in everyday speaking!
Discover a different world
If you study a foreign language at home, you won’t have the possibility to see also the culture of that country. It’s an amazing experience learning a new language abroad also because you will discover a lot of things about that place’s people, culture or ways of living and studying will become really interesting. Moreover, if you study abroad you will meet countless people and this will make you feel good for two reasons: you can practise the language (this should be your main purpose 😉 ) and you can make new friends!
Open your mind
One of the reasons to learn a new language abroad is that it opens your mind and lets you grow. Moving to another country could be very hard at the beginning but then it will transform you into a changed person, open-minded and with new perspectives, enriched by a different mentality and willing to discover the world.
Good job possibilities
Last but not least… learning a new language abroad is really positive for your curriculum vitae because it shows that you are an independent and mature person who wants to better himself and who is ready to go work abroad if necessary. This is also positive for future studies and it leaves you the possibility to understand that the best resource you have is yourself and your talent.
Greta Gontero