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6 months ago, I decided to move to Ireland to gain work experience and do a Marketing Internship in EazyCity. After 6 months in Ireland, I’m not anymore the same Justin as before. Not because I paid for cosmetic surgery in Cork, or because I discovered a new personality, but because of meetings, beers and skills that I found here. A quick resume of my experience? Here it is:
– I made new friends
– I got a tattoo (my mother will kill me …)
– I understood that Irish People will always win in a beer contest
– I gained communication skills (with girls)
– I’ve fallen in LOVE with Cheddar
– With Whiskey also (even if it’s a love story of more than 20 years)
– I’ve met more Italian, Spanish and French than Irish
– I learnt that the Irish are twice as friendly than French (10 times more than Parisian)
– I’ve still not understood how Irish sports works
– Is there sun in Ireland?
– Don’t say to Italians and Spanish that French Wine are the best (they are not honest)
– Don’t speak about Thierry Henry with an Irish person (for those who didn’t understand:
– I discovered THE Irish Breakfast
– I have still some difficulties to understand the southern Irish accent, and that’s ashamed (for who?)
– And finally, I will come back to Ireland