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Meeting new people, exploring different places and taking on an adventure are three elements of life that I really enjoy. From a young age, I had this urge to travel. Just to go and see what else is in the world and what it has to offer. I love Ireland and I love my city but I have always had a desire to travel.
I currently work with children and have been the last few years. During my summers off, I work as a social mentor at a language school which offers English lessons to international students. It was during my time at the summer school, that my desire to travel strengthened. I was meeting people from all over the world, learning about their cultures, their way of life and I was inspired.

“I currently work with children and have been the last few years.”
I decided that now is the time for me to travel. But wait. How? How can I travel ? Where will I go? What will I do? Am I being realistic? Either way, in May this year, I pushed past the doubts and decided to research my options. This is what led me to InterExchange and EazyCity Go Abroad.
After researching the options available, I felt the Au Pair program would suit me 100% – the chance to travel whilst also being able to develop my childcare skills. I contacted the program and shortly after, an EazyCity Go Abroad representative was in touch with me.
She explained the program to me and helped me get on my way. I then completed the online Au Pair application form, contacted references, visited the doctor with my medical report and then sent any required documentation to EazyCity.
Once I completed this step, I had a face-to-face interview in August in Dublin with the representative. Things were beginning to come together and I was starting to get excited. I was told that my application would now be available for families to view. I had a few families view my profile but none reached out. Then in November a family got in touch. After a few informal Skype interviews, the family offered me the position to be their Au Pair and I was over the moon!

“At the Belfast Christmas markets, just after my Visa was approved”
It was now time to get my J1 Visa sorted. Once I’d matched with my family, Interexchange sent me an Au Pair Handbook with information and documents that I needed to apply for my Visa. Once I received all my documentation, I applied for my Visa. After submitting my application online, I had to schedule an appointment. Which I did, with the Belfast Embassy. I only had to wait a week for my appointment.
On the lead up to the Visa appointment, I began to get nervous because I really didn’t know what to expect!
So I spent a few nights awake, gathering documents to support my application and worrying about the ‘What ifs‘. But when I arrived at the appointment, it was really calming and I was relaxed. In total, the process took less than an hour and it was really straightforward. I was given approval on Wednesday and had my passport with my Visa by Friday.
It’s now time for me to begin my adventure. My journey begins on 10th January 2017. Which is 4 weeks away! So right now I’m enjoying time spent with my family, getting caught up in the spirit of Christmas and getting ready for what the new year brings.
From the beginning of my application, to now, Aoife – EazyCity Go Abroad representative has been so much support. I’m sending her emails and inquires about everything and she always replies with the information I need.
Rebecca White
Would you love to become an Au Pair and experience life in the US? Our fantastic program is reduced to just €550 when you book by January 31st.
Did we mention that everything is included in the program price?
• Return flights and cost of travel
• 3 days orientation and training in New York
• 4 star Hotel while in New York- meals and cultural trips included
• Study at an educational institute paid for by host family
Don’t miss out on this offer! Contact us today to see if you qualify to take part in this amazing opportunity.