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Christmas is the season of giving. There shouldn’t be the right moment to do it, but this time of the year seems to be a good one.
Coming up to Christmas, everyone is very busy, it can sometimes be quite draining and can leave you feeling depleted. The gift of giving means that you should also receive too but maybe in ways you hadn’t thought of.
This year we have been making some efforts ourselves to make this Christmas more about giving, thinking of ways to give back: there are loads of great people out there working hard every day for those less fortunate and, in our little own, we want to support them.
In EazyCity, we decided to give a hand to Cork Penny Dinners, that every day works to give everyone a hot nourishing midday meal or even just for a cup of tea and a chat, that goes a long way towards beating loneliness. We also want to help The Irish Blood Transfusion Service, to try to fight against the drop off in the number of donors that Irish clinics have seen during the last year: more than 3,000 donations are needed every week.
Kindness should be limitless throughout the year. So, whynot give to a local charity in lieu of a gift exchange with your colleagues, family, and friends? They’ll appreciate it for sure.
From donating a bag of unwanted clothes to buying a real Christmas tree from a charity farm or helping rehome dogs in need, there are loads of ways to do it.
If you wish to collaborate with us, just pop in our office in Cork – 112 Oliver Plunkett Street – or send us an email at
We should always remember how easy can be for us and how important our help can be for someone else.