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The 17th March is drawing near…
On Saint Patrick’s Day the world turns green and celebrates all things Irish.
But who is Saint Patrick and why is he so celebrated?
A native ofWales, at the age of 16, Patrick was kidnapped and brought toIrelandas a prisoner. With religion as his only companion, after his escape he decided not to return home but to stay in Ireland to preach the Catholic creed. And he did so until the day of his death, 17th March.
There are many myths related to the figure of this saint, and often these end up mixing both fact and legend…
Among the best-known anecdotes, there is definitely that of the expulsion of the snakes… have you ever seen a snake in Ireland? Beyond the zoo, it is impossible to find snakes on the island. Yet it is said thatIrelandwas once home to several types of snakes, but Patrick alone drove them out by throwing them into the sea. This legend is meant to represent the Christianity that wipes out the pagan religions. Maybe, but there are no snakes…
Another legend has it that the Saint used a shamrock to explain the concept of the Trinity to the Celts (three leaves originating from a single stem) and this immediately became a national symbol. Therefore, it is common for people to wear green or a shamrock symbol on St Patrick’s Day.
The myth does not end here. It is said that the Patron Saint of Ireland, often went to pray on the island of Lough Derg, where there is a cave which was indicated by Christ to show the pains of hell to the most incredulous faithful that had ventured to reach the bottom. Whoever was able to pass a series of tests, would get access to Paradise… But if you are thinking of finding happiness here in Ireland, we are sorry to disappoint you. The cave was closed by order of Pope Alexander VI in 1457. Too many people in heaven? Who knows…
After this brief history of Saint Patrick it’s now time to prepare to celebrate! There is no better way than to visit Ireland during this magical weekend 16-19 March to join in the party!
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