For many people, pets are part of the family, if you are an animal enthusiast who want to bring your furry friend to the island but you do not know…
EazyCity Blog
ALBA HOMETOWN: Ciudad Real, Spain ALBA’S FAVOURITES… ► MOVIE: The butterfly effect ► SONG: When you were young – The Killers ► BOOK: The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho ► TV SHOW: How I met your mother ► CITY: Madrid ► HOLIDAYS DESTINATION: Formentera…
FRANCESCO HOMETOWN: Lecce, Italy FRANCESCO’S FAVOURITES… ► MOVIE: The Holiday ► SONG: Keep holding on – Avril Lavigne ► BOOK: The Lord of the Rings – Tolkien ► TV SHOW: X-Factor ► CITY: Cork ► HOLIDAYS DESTINATION: Paris; Capri (Italy); Ireland ► PUB/RESTAURANT: Crane Lane…