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Here is Marta, 19 years old, from Turin, in the North of Italy. She came to Ireland to have her first experience abroad, thanks to her school. She has been here in Cork for 12 weeks while doing an internship.
What do you like most about living in our accommodation?
I think it is a really beautiful thing sharing an apartment with other people.Firstly, because we learned to live together and secondly because I met a lot of people of my same age. Yes, young people and we usually go out together and maybe eat together so it’s fine.
What did you like most?
I really like Cork and its life because it’s full of people from a lot of different countries and I like going out and meet people so it’s really beautiful.
Any advice for others looking to move abroad?
Well, I think that everyone should do an experience like that, everyone from every age and country because it’s a really beautiful experience. You can learn to live by yourself, you can meet some people so it’s the best experience I’ve ever done so I’d advise it for everyone.
Do you want to know more about GO FOR IT!? Check out our post and find out more about people’s experience abroad, like Lucia’s one. From Sicily – in Italy – to Galway. See all episodes on our YouTube Channel and don’t forget to subscribe! Keep posted on our blog to watch more interviews with new people!