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Everyone has the same questions when they have a rugby match, a football game or another event and they want to invite their friends to see the match on the television. How can I organise my party to be a great night to watch a match with my friends or my family?
This week, we give you some tips to organise the perfect night to watch a match with your friends, your colleagues or your family!
Good organisation
First of all, the first thing you need is to know how many people will come to your party! So, the best way is to create an event on Facebook with the correct time to know exactly who will be sure to come or not! The perfect situation is when somebody know what he has to bring for the party. Like this, everybody has a role to play in the party organisation. Someone bring the foods, some the alcohol.
A great welcome
When you make a party at home and you will have guests, it’s really important to have a clear and a comfortable home. In this way, your guest can feel at home! Your guests will be happy to find a nice lounge with cozy chairs because they probably will come from a day of stress if you organise your party during the week. So, a great and relaxing atmosphere in your home can make the difference of how comfortable you and your guests feel!
Invite the opposing team
It’s more fair to have all supporters here and if you want to have a great ambiance at home with your friends, it’s better to invite all fans of two teams. You will have more fun like this and you will remember about this party and the greatest moments!
Keep it close at hand
It’s better to have everything on hand, in this way you don’t need to move to bring chips, pizzas and beers! You have all you need in front of you or just near your chair! Like this you are always ready to give something to your guests.
Match start
This is the moment to have fun with your friends, don’t forget to do your best to support your team, to sing your team anthem! After the match, you can debrief with your guest to talk about what’s happen during the match, it’s normal after a victory or a defeat!
To invite and have fun with your friends and your family is always a good idea to enjoy your night, the party is yours, enjoy!