ANGELA HOMETOWN: Brescia, Italy ANGELA’S FAVOURITES… ► MOVIE: Lost in Translation ► SONG: Halleluja – Rufus Wainwright ► BOOK: Le Petit Prince ► TV SHOW: Lost ► CITY: New York ► HOLIDAYS DESTINATION: Carribean island ► PUB/RESTAURANT: Hangawi, Korean restaurant in New York city ► DISH: Porcini…
EazyCity Blog
THOMAS HOMETOWN: Belfort, France THOMAS’ FAVOURITES… ► MOVIE: Welcome to the sticks ► SONG: Cry me a river – Justin Timberlake ► BOOK: Brave New World – Aldous Huxley; Candide – Voltaire; Le dernier jour d’un condamné –…
YOANN HOMETOWN: Annecy, France YOANN’S FAVOURITES… ► MOVIE: Seven Pounds ► SONG: With or Without you – U2 ► BOOK: Business stripped bare – Richard Branson ► TV SHOW: Friends ► CITY: New York ► HOLIDAYS DESTINATION: Los Angeles – USA; Mauritius island ► PUB/RESTAURANT: Any…
E’ importante precisare il significato di INPDAP e soprattutto come funziona a livello pratico. INPDAP è una sigla che indicava l’Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza per i Dipendenti dell ‘ Amministrazione Pubblica. L’INPDAP…
SIMONA HOMETOWN: Pinerolo, Italy SIMONA’S FAVOURITES… ► MOVIE: Little Miss Sunshine ► SONG: Mr Brightside – The Killers ► BOOK: The Book Thief – Markus Zusak ► TV SHOW: Spongebob Squarepants ► CITY: London ► HOLIDAYS DESTINATION: Home 🙂 ► PUB/RESTAURANT: An Bróg, Cork city…