It’s just gorgeous.
The Food.

The Arts.
Anyone can be Parisian.
No matter who you are, you can always make Paris a home. Everyone shares the same footpaths and metro carriages. We may not always get along very well, but our disagreements will never be the end of us. Paris has seen some very dark days, and there are surely more to come, but there will always be a Paris to find a cosy café in. And even though the city may be rocked by inconceivable change, everyone will always be welcome. Anyone can be a Parisian. Parisian is a care-free “ça va aller” (sure it’ll be grand) attitude that you use as sun glasses to screen out the bad parts of life. Everyone loves to complain, the French even made it into an Olympic sport, but they will also throw back a glass of wine and say “ça va aller”. And I think that’s a wonderful way to look at life. Although things may seem a bit doom-and-gloom, in the end, ça va aller.
