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One more time, this year Patrick’s day has crossed the Irish boarders and has been celebrated all over the world in many cities.
As you can imagine, the biggest event took place in Ireland and in Dublin in general, but some other cities with an important Irish population like Boston or New York (Cities that welcomed many immigrants at the beginning of XXth century) also get dressed in Green to celebrate.
Green is invading every famous metropolis; here are some pictures of huge cities wearing green:
Follow EazyCity’s board The World Is Green – St. Patrick’s Day on Pinterest.
Cairo, where the Sphinx and the pyramids were colored in green, the Chicago river watercolor changed and also the Sleeping Beauty castle in Disneyland Paris that has changed his physical aspect just for that special day. Even Conor, our travelling leprechaun didn’t visit all this places! You don’t believe us ?!
Check it out to verify it yourself on EazyCity Facebook page!
You can find all the pictures that we found of cities celebrating Patrick’s Day in our Pinterest on the upperlink.