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A new European commission recently published the results of a study about employment in Europe and the results of this one are really interesting. Apparently, it’s a fact that it’s easier for someone to get a job if he has been a part of an ERASMUS experience or even of a study-abroad experience. According to that article we’ve decided to tell you 10 facts that may be at the origin of this study’s results.
- When you’re studying abroad, you have to be responsible and take important decisions alone.
- You gain maturity because you’re far from your home.
- You have to adapt yourself to a new environment that you don’t like in a workplace
- You have to learn a new language and new communication skills (which is really important for a company to work in an international way)
- You have to behave and to learn the local habits (like the professional behaviour for example)
- When you arrive abroad you don’t know anybody and you have to create your network, get some new relations, friends. In a professional way, it’s like you’re opening a new LinkedIn account.
- After that it’s obvious that the CV of someone that was studying abroad is more interesting that someone who didn’t because he will have more experience on the field and also adaptation capacities.
- You can meet people and get some new relations that you would have never expected in your ordinary life.
- When you’re studying abroad you have to gain money to live and to get money this money, you have to work and to find some small jobs, which is increasing your CV as well.
- Finally, you get an international graduation of your skills and of your new achievements that will be the highlight of your CV.
Now that you know all the reasons that conduct to this result, you only have to book your study-abroad experience with EazyCity and to live your own experience.