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Ghost tours are quite popular nowadays in many cities of the world. The itinerary and the attraction are important, but the outcome of this kind of tours always lies on the shoulders of the guides and their ability to captivate the audience. And we can guarantee that the guide of the Cork Ghost tour is outstanding.
8 pm, in front of the Opera House, a bright Wednesday evening: two members of our team are there to put on the test the Cork Ghost tour, whose tickets we started to sell on EazyCity website.
We are welcomed by our ghastly guide, white greasepaint, a black cloak, a black top hat and a cane in his hands. Before starting, our guide had a small chat with every participant to better engage his audience during the tour (later on, a group of cheerful ladies from Vancouver, particularly, played along adding laughter for everyone).
The tour started from the Crawford Art Gallery and we were immediately dragged into the vivid tales of the past splendours of Cork city. We moved on the other side of the river and up to Shandon Hill were we found out more about the unusual name of some streets and why Cork colours are red and white. The ghastly guide is a great entertainer, he knows how to catch the moment and take advantage of the external inputs to add value (and anecdotes) to his tales
The Cork ghost tour is the ideal way to discover Cork and its gruesome past, a way to understand the history of a city that has always been unique and special in its own way.
Even if you are a pure Corkonian (by birth or adopted by the city), you will found out something you didn’t know, that will make you think: “how could have I pass here so many times and never noticed?”
We learnt that Cork has the highest concentration of ghosts in Ireland and that thanks to its geology and its underground water, wherever you standing in the city you are – actually – standing on rats.
Even the newest Starbucks in town has a story to tell, to whom can observe.
The ingredients of the Cork Ghost Tour are: a pinch of shivering (and some scares), a good dose of fun and a huge amount of anecdotes about Cork. The Irish humour, seemingly self-deprecating but indeed always proud, is one of the best features of the tour.
Did we meet some real ghosts? We are not going to reveal that, but what we can say is that we met the spirit of the past that can be seen everywhere in Cork, if you only know where to look.
Would you like to experience the mystery and discover the ghastly side of Cork? You can purchase the tickets for the Cork Ghost Tour from our website.