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Do you find Christmas so boring that maybe you need a little bit of… action! Yeah, here you can find a couple of films that can give you the necessary adrenalin to survive in this schmaltzy period.
Christmas is so boring…
Explosions, blood and death; Lethal Weapon is a real action film but at the same time we can say that it has a Christmas spirit… I’m not crazy, now I explain to you why. This film talks about two detectives (starring Danny Glover and Mel Gibson) are trying to solve a murder, but also it’s really about friendship. At the beginning of the film Mel Gibson’s character is a depressed with suicidal thoughts cause of the death of his wife, but in the end after 200 killings and thanks to friendship with his colleague he start to appreciate life again.

A scene on friendship from Lethal Weapon
A Christmas without Christmas!
Contrary to Lethal Weapon, Brazil is a film set at Christmas that has nothing to do with it! The Terry Gilliam’s movie talks about the bureaucracy in a brutally oppressive future. During the film Christmas pops up from time to time in the form of decorated trees. The movie starts off with a happy family while is enjoying Christmas at home, when suddenly the secret police burst in and arrest the father cause of a mistake and… bye-bye Christmas!
We wish you a creepy Christmas!
Ah, What is more Christmassy than Christmas in Tim Burton’s Gotham City where Christmas ornaments and tree are used by Catwoman and Penguin as weapon to defeat the Dark Knight! Also It might be interesting to revisit the Keaton’s origin as Batman after his revival thank of Birdman. If you will fall in love with Tim Burton’s Christmas Spirit I suggest you to watch also Edward Scissorhands and The Nightmare Before Christmas.

A fervent wish for Christmas by Penguin (Danny DeVito)
Thanks for your time!