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For the past few days, weather forecasters are predicting one of the coldest winters in Ireland in the past century. Be prepared to see heavy snowfall and sub-zero temperatures as you’ve never seen before, but don’t worry, we will give you a list of things to do during this winter!
While temperatures have already started to fall in November, the worst of the winter weather will likely occur between December and January. According to the experts, facts such as volcanic emission patterns in Ireland or even the recent solar activity levels reveal that we will have to buy warm clothes for this winter!
We found 5 activities that you’ll be able to do easily and which will enable you to endure the weather (yes, it’s possible!)
1 – Warm up in pubs
One of the best Irish activities during the winter (but also during the rest of the year). You’ll be able to find a friendly atmosphere in all Irish pubs of the country, and could forget the cold weather around a good beer or big hot chocolate!
2 – Take your mind off the season in going to the cinema
The Hobbit: The battle of the five Armies, Hunger Games 3, Interstellar, Taken 3 or the new film of Brad Pitt, Fury: All of these films will be released this winter. For children, adults, lovers of science fiction or lovers of romantic movies, there will be something for everyone!
3 – Invite friends for a great dinner
Winter is Christmas Time, and Christmas Time means generally great meal with close friends. Don’t hesitate to cook for them, it could be the opportunity for you to make them discover the food traditions of your country! You’ll find Irish Christmas tradition on this link.
4 – Keep Calm and Read a Book
It’s cold outside and you want to snuggle down on the sofa. Just make sure you have a good book! It’s always a good time to read a book in front of our fireplace (If you don’t have it, just find a friend who could invite you!)
5 – Be brave and Face the cold weather
Ireland has beautiful landscape. Winter is beautiful. Have you ever walked in the woods near a frozen lake? Ireland is even more beautiful with snow, so don’t hesitate to wear your warmest coat, face the winter, and leave your accommodation for an excursion!